
I would like to share my interpretation of an approach often highlighted by the phenomenally talented master, Dr Gavriel Schneider, who is a great teacher with a scientific approach to training. 

Martial arts are a beautiful thing, with deep roots in tradition and positive values. 

But, just like most other things in today’s world, martial arts are strongly influenced by fads, buzzwords, and fashion. This has both pros and cons. 

‘Reality-Based Self-Defence’ (RBSD) is a term that has gone viral in the martial arts community over the past few years. The proliferation of Krav Maga schools and a variety of other modern self defence systems (combatives, as they are often referred to) has seen many schools and instructors add Krav Maga or some variation thereof to their curriculum in order to capitalise on the current market trends – which is fair enough. Our industry is hard enough to survive in, and adaptation and innovation are crucial components in the business world as well as in martial arts. 


That being said, there is still a huge gap between reality and what most people believe will happen should they get attacked, in terms of how, where, when, who, why and what will happen. Not only in terms of student expectations, but also in terms of what instrutors teach. 

This seminar will be 50% workout and 50% symposium.

Dr Schneider will focus on best practices in teaching and building effective lesson plans for martial arts classes of any type.

I have trained in martial arts for some time, and was a self-confessed fitness junkie for a very long time before I met Sensei Noah Greenstone - a true Jujutsu master and all-around martial arts expert of the highest level. Noah is a wise, kind and gentle Sensei (ok, sometimes not so gentle…) who always giggles as he twists us into pretzels and who has a Kiai that makes the walls shake. This is a blog about one of his favorite sayings, which has shaped my learning and that of all of his students.

Self-reflection has long been recognised as one of the critical components in self-development, critical thinking and goal setting in high achievers. From the samurai to boxing, BJJ and MMA champions, from entrepreneurs to Fortune 500 CEOs, reflecting on one’s actions is the fastest and most effective way to maximise your training. Want to know how to do this effectively

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Today and always, we stand on the traditional land of the Whadjuk Noongar people.

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